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高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

Renormalons, Instantons and the failure of perturbation theory

by Prof. Schwartz Matthew (Harvard University)




报告摘要:Perturbative expansions in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory are generally asymptotic: series cannot be summed into a finite answer. This asymptotic growth is typically associated with either "instantons" or "renormalons' both of which connect perturbation theory to non-perturbative effects. Thus asymptotic series provide one of the most promising paths towards an analytic understanding of non-perurbative effects in quantum field theory. Unfortunately, while instantons are fairly well understood, as saddle points of the Euclidean action, renormalons are more elusive. This talk will connect renormalons and instantons directly, identifying renormalons as saddle points of the 1-loop effective action, and provide a novel way to think about both through a suggestive duality between the action and the Borel transform. 

个人简介:Matthew Schwartz 是哈佛大学物理系教授。他博士毕业于普林斯顿大学,在加州大学伯克利分校和约翰普金斯大学从事博士后研究后,在2008年加入哈佛大学任助理教授,并于2015年升任正教授。他的主要研究方向是量子场论和粒子物理,以及高能物理与人工智能的交叉领域,在喷注物理、量子色动力学和有效场论方面做出了开创性贡献,曾获得美国能源部早期职业奖。他是美国国家科学基金人工智能和基本相互作用研究所的主要负责人之一。他长期担任哈佛大学久负盛名的量子场论课程教学工作,所著的《量子场论与标准模型》是现代量子场论教学的标准参考书。