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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

On-Shell Scattering Meets Quantum Information Science

by Dr Zhewei Yin (Northwestern University&Argonne National Laboratory)

B105 (CHEP)




The scattering amplitudes program aims to obtain observables from quantum field theory without cumbersome local formulations such as Feynman diagrams. A key step in this procedure is to determine the constraints satisfied by the on-shell amplitudes, according to the guiding principles of the theory in consideration. Recently a novel group of constraints originated from concepts in quantum information science has been increasingly drawing people's attention. I will first discuss the investigation on the amount of entanglement resulted in particle scattering, and reveal a universal correspondence between entanglement entropy and (semi)-inclusive cross sections. A careful formulation of wave packets for the initial states is essential in arriving at this relation. I will then discuss in the context of particle scattering the notion of magic, which quantifies the computational advantage of quantum states over classical algorithms. Research on this topic is still in its early stage, and can benefit both fundamental physics and quantum information science.

Dr Zhewei Yin obtained his BSc degree in 2015 at Peking University, China, and his PhD degree in 2020 at Northwestern University, USA. He then became a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University, Sweden, after which he has been holding a joint appointment as a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory, USA. He works in the field of theoretical high energy physics, with a focus on discovering new properties and developing modern methods in scattering amplitudes and effective field theories, as well as connecting these formal development to particle phenomenology, gravitational wave physics and quantum information science.
殷喆伟博士于2011至2015年就读于北京大学,获得物理学学士学位;2015年至2020年就读于美国西北大学(Northwestern University),获得理论物理学博士学位;2020年至2023年就职于瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala Universitet)理论物理系,目前是美国西北大学和阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory)联合博士后研究员。研究方向为高能理论物理,包括有效场论、散射振幅等方面的新性质、新方法的探索,以及这些新成果在粒子物理唯象学、引力波唯象学和量子信息领域等方面的应用。

Organised by

Prof. Jia Liu