We present the new version of NeatIBP, a package for generating short IBP systems of Feynamn integrals, with new practical functions. The idea of using algebraic geometry for helping IBP reduction would be reviewed, and several cutting-edge examples would be listed. Then we demonstrate new functions of NeatIBP, 1) Kira interface 2) spanning cuts 3) syzygy generator simplication.
张扬,中国科学技术大学教授,任职于中科大近代物理系彭桓武高能基础理论研究中心。他于美国康奈尔大学获得博士学位,瑞士自然科学基金会 Ambizione Fellow 获得者,致力于量子场论中高圈振幅,高圈费曼积分的解析计算以及量子可积系统的解析计算。
Prof. Yanqing Ma