Matthew Baring
(Rice University)
Galactic supernova remnants and the extragalactic jet sources in
blazars and gamma-ray bursts provide sites for some of the most
energetic X-ray and gamma-ray emission seen in the cosmos. All are
thought to be probable sources of cosmic rays and neutrinos, and their
bright light signals are intimately connected to non-thermal leptons and
hadrons accelerated in their zones of activity. This review talk
summarizes the physics of particle energization and radiative
dissipation in these sources, and briefly discusses their central
driving engines. It highlights recent developments in the understanding
of their environs, spawned by gamma-ray detections by Fermi and various
Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, and a multitude of X-ray observatories
including Chandra, XMM, Suzaku and Swift. Prospects that future X-ray
polarimetry could offer are briefly addressed.
Primary author
Matthew Baring
(Rice University)