Jonathan Paley
(Argonne National Laboratory)
The NuMI Off-Axis $\nu_e$ Appearance (\nova) experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment optimized for the measurement of $\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e$ appearance. A prototype 220 ton liquid-scintillator tracking calorimeter near detector, built and operated on the surface, was exposed to the NuMI beam at Fermi National Laboratory. This detector was placed at a far off-axis angle of 106 mrad, where neutrinos above 1.5 GeV are predominantly born from kaons produced in the neutrino target. A 300 ton underground near detector, which will provide an opportunity for precise measurements of neutrino scattering off carbon nuclei, is currently under construction at Fermilab at a 14 mrad off-axis from the NuMI beam. This talk will provide an overview of the detectors and neutrino scattering analyses performed and expected in the future.
Primary author
Jonathan Paley
(Argonne National Laboratory)