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First Sino-French Workshop on Compact Matter Physics: from hadrons to nuclei to stars
4 (Beihang Convention Center)
Beihang Convention Center
No. 37, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District
Baohua Sun
(Beihang U.), Iolanda Matea
(IPNO), Lisheng Geng
(Beihang U.), Ubirajara van Kolck
To gain a deeper understanding on the rich phenomena of the non-perturbative regime of QCD, close collaborations between theorists and experimentalist, and between related fields of nuclear physics, are needed. This workshop aims to bring together nuclear physicists from China and France to report on latest developments in their respective fields and to discuss how to deepen existing bilateral collaborations. Topics include all the aspects of theoretical and experimental nuclear/hadronic physics.