Center for Future High Energy Physics,, will organize a week-long workshop on the physics opportunities at future circular colliders in Beijing starting August 11. We are writing to invite you to participate the workshop.
As you know, there are many physics studies on this and related topics being carried out, both from domestic working groups and from the international community. As part of the Chinese effort, we are aiming at presenting a summary report on the physics case this fall. The purpose of the August workshop is to collect available results, gather input, and prepare the ground for the report. During the workshop, we will hear the summaries from the working groups, and perspectives from abroad.
If you plan to come, we would appreciate it if you could register (website) or inform us as soon as possible.
Nima Arkani-Hamed, director (IAS)
Cai-Dian Lu, deputy director (IHEP)
Sally Dawson (BNL), Tao Han (U. Pittsburgh/Tsinghua U.), Hongjian He (Tsinghua U.), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), Shufang Su (U. Arizona), Lian-Tao Wang (U. Chicago), Zhizhong Xing (IHEP), Jinmin Yang (ITP), Xinmin Zhang (IHEP) Shouhua Zhu (Peking U.)