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12–14 Dec 2014
Asia/Shanghai timezone

$\Lambda \Lambda$ Interaction and Neutron Stars

Not scheduled


Prof. Chang Ho Hyun (Deagu University)


We investigate the effects of $\Lambda\Lambda$ interactions to the bulk properties of neutron stars. We employ a few Skyrme-type and a finite-range force models for the description of $\Lambda \Lambda$ interactions, where the parameters of the model are determined to reproduce the binding energies of double-$\Lambda$ hypernuclei. Equation of state of neutron star matter is calculated self-consistently, and the mass-radius relation of neutron stars is obtained by solving Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations. Results exhibit strong dependence on the $\Lambda \Lambda$ interaction models, and the corresponding uncertainties are as significant as those from the dependence on the nucleon-nucleon interaction models.

Primary author

Prof. Chang Ho Hyun (Deagu University)


Prof. Chang-Hwan Lee (Pusan National University) Prof. Kyunjin Kwak (UNIST) Dr Yeunhwan Lim (RISP/IBS)

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