The Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA) is an affiliation of neutron scattering societies and committees which directly represent users in the Asia-Oceania Region. AONSA with the first-term Executive Committee members was established in 2008. The overriding purposes of the Association are to provide a platform for discussion and a focus for action in neutron scattering and related topics in the Asia-Oceania Region. It plays a complementary role in the tripolar regional neutron conferences, along with the ACNS (American Conference on Neutron Scattering, organized by NSSA) and the ECNS (European Conference Neutron Scattering, organized by ENSA).
The AONSA Executive Committee will nominate a Board which will represent the association between formal meetings. It will comprise the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Public Relations Officer and Members-at-Large. The holder of each of these positions will be elected by the committee from amongst the current registered delegates. The normal term of office will be 2 years. The President then becomes an ex-officio member of the Committee. In normal circumstances, the Vice-President will succeed to the Presidency after 2 years. The immediate Past-President and Past-Secretary should be advisors to the Board for one year. The immediate Past-President is an ex-officio member of the Committee for this period. The immediate Past-Secretary is an ex-officio member of the Committee without voting power for this period.