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16–19 Dec 2016
Asia/Shanghai timezone
CLHCP2017, please send your proposal (5 page slides) to the Scientific Committee by Spring Festival, 2017

Research on the Temperature Prediction Model of Aluminum Atom Emission Spectrum

Not scheduled
School of Physics (PKU)

School of Physics


Beijing 100871


Prof. xiaojian Hao (teacher)


Based on the atomic spectra database (ASD), Al I 394.4nm and Al I 396.2nm were selected as the research object. The relationship between the particle temperature Te(eV) and the relative Intensity(a.u.) was analyzed by the method of regression analysis. The analysis found that the particle temperature Te(eV) and the relative Intensity(a.u.) both obey the exponential distribution.

Primary author

Prof. xiaojian Hao (teacher)

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