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16–19 Dec 2016
Asia/Shanghai timezone
CLHCP2017, please send your proposal (5 page slides) to the Scientific Committee by Spring Festival, 2017

NLO QCD+electroweak+decays corrections to ZZ+jet/γ productions at LHC

Not scheduled
School of Physics (PKU)

School of Physics


Beijing 100871


wang yong (University of Science and Technology of China)


In this report, we will give a overview on my recent work, i.e, the first full NLO corrections to ZZ+jet/\gamma productions at LHC. Besides the general NLO calculation strategies will be sketched, some new problems in our work will also be given detailed discussions, such as photon-jet separation, spin correlation and off-shell effects in Z-boson decays. This report may, in my expectation, given some interesting results and inspiration to both the theoretical and experimental experts.

Primary author

wang yong (University of Science and Technology of China)

Presentation materials

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