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16–19 Dec 2016
Asia/Shanghai timezone
CLHCP2017, please send your proposal (5 page slides) to the Scientific Committee by Spring Festival, 2017

CMS Phase I 触发升级

Not scheduled
School of Physics (PKU)

School of Physics


Beijing 100871


Mr Jingzhou ZHAO Jingzhou (高能所) Prof. Zhen An LIU Zhenan (IHEP)


本报告介绍CMS实验Phase I 触发系统的升级,内容包括Phase I升级的必要性,采用的技术,中国组的任务,以及现状。在技术方面,将介绍中国组在xTCA/MTCA新标准方面以及在高速数据传输与处理方面的 经验在合作中发挥的作用。 目前课题进展迅速良好,正在进行紧张的安装调试。

Primary authors


CAO Pengcheng Mr chunjie wang (IHEP) libo CHENG Libo (institute of high energy physics of Chinese academy) zhao liu (IHEP)

Presentation materials

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