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4–7 Jun 2017
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Simulation and Reconstruction at the CEPC

5 Jun 2017, 16:20


Oral Presentation 高能物理计算软件 高能物理计算软件:CEPC&CSNS&DAMPE


Mr 曼奇 阮 (IHEP)


CEPC could deliver 1 M Higgs boson and 10 Billion Z bosons in its electron-positron collision operations, and boost the precision of Higgs and EW measurements by at least one order of magnitude w.r.t the HL-LHC projection and existing EW measurements. The Design and optimization of the CEPC detector, as well as exploration of its physics potential, requires the development of a large-scale, dedicated software package. In this talk, we are going to summarize the status and plans for the CEPC simulation/reconstruction development.

Primary author

Mr 曼奇 阮 (IHEP)

Presentation materials