Simulation and Physics Group Meeting
Monday, August 14, 2017 from 15:00 to 20:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
1. Physics analysis by Yu Bai
Based on the comments from referee, now the background is fixed by defining a control region instead of fixed by theoretical prediction. They will include the control regions in the template fit so the normalization of dominant backgrounds are float.
Then Yu introduced the definition of the control region of the dominant background in each analysis. The major consideration for defining control region is : Purity, Statistics, Mutually exclusive. Then he showed the cuts of each background control region.
On that time, Yaquan asked that when they choose the cuts, whether did they considered the shape in the signal region? Yu said that now they only consider the normalization of each background, the shape related systematic uncertainty will be considered in the future.
For the next step, he said the template fit code will be upgraded to incorporate control regions. His group is lack of manpower, so he will invite other people to work on it.
2. MC production by ZHANG Bingyang
Now he is producing zzorww_h sample. The reconstruction step will be continued for 1 week. For the next step, considering the limit of computing resources, he asked whether he should continue reconstructing zz/ww_h, or first finish some other sample in simulating process. Gang Li suggested first to run a few jobs and evaluate the time, and then determine which should be done first.
3. Introduction to Preservation of analysis by Mingrui Zhao
Preservation means automatically rerun the analysis. Using the proper tools, we can make an analysis repository for analysis code, logic and version, also the tools defining analysis step, runtime environment, and store the input data. Mingrui introduced several tools for analysis preservation, for example, Git, Docker, etc. At last, he give some suggestion for CEPC.
Based on Mingrui’s talk, Gang Li suggested students to learn how to use these tools.
4. CEPC Higgs combination by ZhangKaili
Kali first introduced the model of analysis, using the simultaneous fit framework. Then he give a brief look of individual analysis and give a comparison between his results and pre-CDR. At last, he give the fit Result of Δ(Br*sigma) and k.
Yu asked Kaili to add the normalization of control region into his framework and make a cross check.