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Measurements of Higgs boson properties and searches for new physics in HZZ with the ATLAS detector

by Dr Lailin Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory, US)

A511 (IHEP)



Title: Measurements of Higgs boson properties and searches for new physics in HZZ with the ATLAS detector Abstract: Recent measurements of the Higgs boson properties in the four-lepton channel using 36.1 fb-1 of pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector will be presented. The measurements include the Higgs boson mass as well as inclusive, fiducial, differential and, so-called, simplified template cross sections. Constraints on Higgs boson couplings are derived and interpreted within the Standard Model and various extensions. Direct searches for new physics using four-lepton and di-lepton plus missing transverse momentum final states will also be discussed. About the speaker: Dr. Lailin Xu is an experimental particle physicist, working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. He has been a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory, after obtaining his PhD in Physics in 2015 from The University of Science and Technology of China. Dr. Xu's research interests have been focused on Higgs property and couplings measurements, precision electroweak gauge boson coupling measurements, and searches for new physics in diboson final states. He pursues to understand fundamental issues of the Universe, such as the Electroweak Symmetry breaking and the nature of dark matter. He also works on R&D of High-voltage CMOS pixel sensors, a novel tracking detector technology that can be used for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Phase-II upgrade or future high energy physics experiments. 讲座通知: 讲座结束后,中午12点在专招雅四包间与徐博士共进工作餐,并继续讨论。