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CEPC Physics and detector regular meeting

A419 (IHEP)



CEPC Physics and detector regular meeting
Thursday, January 4, 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
at IHEP ( A419 )

1. Introduction from Joao

We should start the harmonization of CDR text and introduction chapters now, and complete draft of each chapter by end of Jan 2017. We have gotten the agreement on the timescale, we have to achieve this goal with everyone's effort.

2. Physics and simulation

Manqi mentioned two aspects:
1) He finished a preliminary draft for Chapter 3, physics requirement, which mainly contains 3 parts, collision environments, physics object reconstruction and systematic control. Joao suggested to put some numbers or tables to quantify the physics requirement. Since the physics requirement chapter comes before the detector concept, the detector design should be based on the physics requirement. Also we need to consider the connection with accelerator design. After accelerator group finalizes the parameters value, we can refer to some number for this chapter.
2) They just submitted a paper for the optimization study for ECAL.

3. MDI

Hongbo gave a talk for the MDI status report.
1) they updated the Machine parameter, but it is not the final one. They tried different possibility of luminosity, however, they have not yet reached the workable dynamic aperture for Higgs design, so they need to wait and CDR have’t updated yet.
2) beam pipe outer radius is increased from 35 to 39 mm. They also checked top, but the operation does not work.
3) NIEL/TID Calculation: the former code is not fully correct, so they refer to the code from ATLAS for this time.
4) Synchrotron Radiation: they modified simulation code to enhance simulation efficiency; Next step, they will run detector simulation and waiting for the new final machine parameters to generate large sample.
5) LumiCal: related CDR part writing is in procedure. They will focus on the interface between lumical and magnet. Also Joao suggested that the engineering should be considered in CDR and an expert will help with this part. It is a comments from Yifang.

4. Vertex
1) the style of the performance plot need to be optimized.  Joao will give a proposal by email.
2) CDR comment summary

  • Ouyang suggested that we should have the parameter requirement based on CEPC consideration, not just following the ILD requirement. We need put some reference from simulation.After the discussion, Manqi said he will give some paragraph to describe the specific requirement for CEPC, then Ouyang will try wether it works.
  • For the different technology, from the comments, reviewer suggested to modified the statement for HV-CMOS technology, and should add more information for SOI technology. Now Yunpeng is doing the modification on technological parts. As the solution, if we can't find the positive description for HV-COMS, we can remove the current HV-COMS statement and generally talk about the CMOS technology, and put HV-COMS as a reference. Joao will send comments for it by email, and Vertex group would better give a updated version soon.

5. Silicon
Meng said they had uploaded a new version to git, but it is not the final version.

6. TPC
Huirong said they will upload the text to git in this week.

7. Calo
They hope to finish the text by the end of this month. For the performance study, calorimeter group has a discussion with simulation group. They decided to use the new geometry, and simulation group can get new result based on new geometry.

On Italy side, Franco said they got some rough comments for CDR review. Joao suggested to address the description for their part to match with some number for physics requirement.





There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speaker: Joao Guimaraes Costa
    • Quick CDR reports from conveners
      • 2
        Simulation and Physics
        Speakers: LI Gang ( EPC.IHEP ), Mr Manqi Ruan (IHEP)
      • 3
        Speaker: Dr Hongbo ZHU (IHEP)
      • 4
        Silicon Vertex
        Speaker: Prof. Qun OUYANG (IHEP)
      • 5
        Silicon Tracker
        Speaker: Meng Wang (高能所)
      • 6
        Speaker: Dr Huirong Qi (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
      • 7
        Electromagnetic Calorimeter
        Speakers: Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Prof. Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Dr Jianbei Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) , Prof. Tao HU (IHEP)
      • 8
        Hadronic Calorimeter
        Speakers: Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Prof. Haijun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) , Dr Jianbei Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) , Prof. Tao HU (IHEP)
      • 9
        Speakers: Dr Feipeng NING Feipeng (高能所) , Mr Zian ZHU Zian (高能所)
      • 10
        Muon Detector
        Speaker: Prof. Liang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)