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Collider searches for non-perturbative low-scale gravity states
Prof.Douglas Gingrich
A418 (IHEP)
The possibility of producing non-perturbative low-scale gravity states in collider experiments was first discussed in 1998. The ATLAS and CMS experiments have searched for non-perturbative low-scale gravity states using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with a proton--proton centre of mass energy of 13 TeV. These experiments have now seriously confronted the possibility of producing non-perturbative low-scale gravity states which were proposed 20 years ago. I will summarise the results of the searches, give a personal view of what they mean, and present some models in which low-scale gravity would not have yet been seen at the LHC.
About the speaker:
- Graduated PhD University of Toronto on the ARGUS experiment at DESY.
- Research Associate and College Lecturer at Oxford University on the ZEUS experiment at DESY.
- Professor at University of Alberta since 1992 on the ATLAS collaboration.
- Other collaborations include E516 Fermilab, OPAL CERN, RD2 CERN, STACEE Sandia, DEAP SNOlab.
Activities on ATLAS (25 years):
- 15 years electronics for liquid argon calorimeter
- 4 years phenomenology of quantum black holes
- 4 years physics analysis on quantum black holes
- 2 years MC production manager and ATLAS-Canada computing coordinator