W/Z physics at CEPC



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The minute of March 5th meeting: 

1. Zhijun agreed to Share the current draft CEPC CDR, so that everyone can contribute.

    The link on CEPC CDR on web  http://cepcgit.ihep.ac.cn/cepcdoc/CDR/tree/master/CDR_draft (need to register a new account for the first time)

    To checkout the CDR: git clone git@cepcgit.ihep.ac.cn:cepcdoc/CDR.git

2. Maarten suggest a few histograms (visible mass for W->ud,cs,us,cd, Z->uu,dd,ss,cc,bb and M_vis Vs M_true linearity in W/Z events) for checking the calibration systematics for W mass direct measurement.  Peizhu agreed to produce these histograms by next week. 

3. Bo Liu presented the code for W mass analysis, and the study of PFA object energy scale calibration. Maarten suggested that we should check the number of J/Psi, K_long,K_short in Z pole and in ZH runs for energy scale calibration. Maarten asked about the number of WW and ZZ pairs in ZH runs in CEPC , and number of Z in Z poles. We will prepare these numbers next week. 

4. Peixun Shen presented the J/psi and other resonance cross section at Z pole, and he agreed to present these cross sections in ZH runs next week. 

5. Bo Li agreed to present next week the B likelihood correlations between leading b jet and sub-leading b jet  in Z->bb events for R_b measurement

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.