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Overview on Silicon Photomultiplier

by Dr Véronique Puill



Abstract: Over the last decade SiPM has become the key photodetector for detection systems in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Medical Imaging, …. It represents a large part of the developments shown in conferences and is used for the upgrade of LHC experiments (CMS HCAL, LHCb SciFi Tracker) as well as in R&D for detectors on new accelerators (ILC, CEPC, HIEPA, …). During this seminar, we will follow the evolution of the Silicon Photodetectors from the PIN diode to the SiPM, look at the functioning of this device, its properties such as its gain, photodetection efficiency, timing resolution, radiation hardness … We will overview (in a non-exhaustive way) the different kind of devices that can be found on the market and their latest developments. We will also present some of their applications in recent experiments. Speaker: Véronique PUILL (LAL, Orsay, France) Dr. Véronique PUILL got her PhD from CEA Saclay in 2000. She became a permeant research engineering of LAL in 2002. Now she is the deputy director of LAL in 2017.