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27–29 Jun 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone


CEPC physics

27 Jun 2018, 14:00
B326 (IHEP)




CEPC physics: Higgs physics

  • Gang LI (EPD, IHEP, CAS)

CEPC physics: Higgs analysis

  • Manqi Ruan (IHEP)

CEPC physics: Higgs analysis

  • Yaquan FANG Yaquan (高能所)

CEPC physics: Higgs analysis

  • Gang LI (EPD, IHEP, CAS)

CEPC physics: EW physics

  • Manqi Ruan (IHEP)

CEPC physics: EW physics

  • Jianming Qian (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ms Fangyi Guo
27/06/2018, 14:00
ZHANG Zhaoru
27/06/2018, 14:30
Mrs Dan YU (LLR)
27/06/2018, 15:00
茂强 荆 (南华大学)
27/06/2018, 16:00
Peixun Shen (南开大学)
27/06/2018, 16:30
显科 何 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
28/06/2018, 09:00
Yu Bai (Southeast University)
28/06/2018, 09:30
Mr Lianyou shanly@ihep.ac.cn (ATLAS)
28/06/2018, 10:20
28/06/2018, 10:45
Dr Gang LI (EPD, IHEP, CAS) , Mr Xianghu ZHAO (IHEP)
28/06/2018, 11:25
Mr Peizhu LAI (NCU)
28/06/2018, 14:00
Mr Tong LI (Shandong University)
28/06/2018, 14:25
Mila Pandurovic (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences)
28/06/2018, 14:50
Hao Liang
28/06/2018, 15:15
Dr BO Li (YTU)
28/06/2018, 16:00
Mr Mengran Li (IHEP)
28/06/2018, 16:30
Prof. Yaquan FANG (高能所)
28/06/2018, 17:00
Building timetable...