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Special workshop: CEPC SR-gamma ray application on nuclear astrophysics

2st workshop on applications of high energy Circular Electron-Positron Collider(CEPC) synchrotron radiation source: Nuclear Astrophysics CEPC同步辐射光源应用研讨会:核天体物理 (19-20 April, 2018, IHEP, Beijing) Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to welcome your attendance at the workshop on applications of high energy Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) synchrotron radiation source: Nuclear Astrophysics. This workshop will be held at IHEP in Beijing, on the 19th -20th of April in 2018. Scientific communities are interested in applying synchrotron light in life sciences and cultural heritage, such as medicine, zoology, archaeology, art conservation and analysis, palaeontology, and musical instruments. Furthermore, the high bright MeV gamma-ray source from the CEPC synchrotron radiation is a very important probe to study the photo-nuclear reactions, which are of crucial nuclear astrophysics implications. This workshop will mainly focus on nuclear astrophysics studies, with CEPC synchrotron radiation gamma-ray source. The major subjects will include: (1) p-process nucleosynthesis; (2) s-process nucleosynthesis; (3) Big-Bang nucleosynthesis; (4) γ-ray burst; (5) Others. If you have any new ideas on the CEPC synchrotron radiation application, please feel free to prepare a presentation. The schedule of this workshop will be announced soon. 2018 workshop chair: Jian-Jun He(何建军),National Astronomical Observatories,CAS; Organizing Committee: Yong-Sheng Huang(黄永盛),IHEP of CAS Guang-Peng An(安广朋),IHEP of CAS Chun-Lei Zhang(张春雷),IHEP of CAS Xiao-Fei Lan(兰小飞),China West Normal University Chen-Jian Lin(林承键),CIAE Jian-Jun He(何建军),National Astronomical Observatories,CAS Xiao-Dong Tang(唐晓东), Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), CAS …… Contact information: Conference Secretary:Yong-Sheng Huang, IHEP of CAS. Email:huangys82@ihep.ac.cn Tel:010-88236550,13811814119
    • 09:00 10:00
      上海-γ光源介绍 A420



      Convener: Prof. Hong-Wei Wang (上海应用物理研究所)
    • 10:00 10:30
      IHEP-γ光源介绍 A420


      Convener: HUANG Yongsheng
    • 10:30 11:30
      Convener: Prof. Jian-Jun He
    • 14:00 15:00
      Convener: Prof. Yun-Liang Wang
    • 15:00 16:00
      Convener: Prof. Chun-Lei Zhang
    • 16:00 17:00