PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio insprials

by Dr Jiang Long (ULB)

B105 (CHEP)



School of Physics, PKU
We analytically compute time domain gravitational waveforms produced in the final stages of extreme mass ratio inspirals of non-spinning compact objects into supermassive nearly extremal Kerr black holes. Conformal symmetry relates all corotating equatorial orbits in the geodesic approximation to circular orbits through complex conformal transformations. We use this to obtain the time domain Teukolsky perturbations for generic equatorial corotating plunges in closed form. The resulting gravitational waveforms consist of an intermediate polynomial ringdown phase in which the decay rate depends on the impact parameters, followed by an exponential quasi-normal mode decay. The waveform amplitude exhibits critical behavior when the orbital angular momentum tends to a minimal value determined by the innermost stable circular orbit. We show that either near-critical or large angular momentum leads to a significant extension of the LISA observable volume of gravitational wave sources of this kind.
  • Bin Chen
  • Ce Zhang
  • Cheng Tan-sheng
  • Cheng-Yong Zhang
  • Fei Wang
  • guojin zeng
  • Hao Zhang
  • Huaike Guo
  • Jiao Zhang
  • jiaqi chen
  • Jue Zhang
  • kepan xie
  • Lin Chen
  • Ling-Xiao Xu
  • ning chen
  • Peng-Cheng Li
  • Pengxiang Hao
  • Qiang Yuan
  • Rui Zhang
  • S L ZHU
  • Ti Gong
  • Xingchang Song
  • Xinyi Zhang
  • Yandong Liu
  • YanJun Liu
  • 世平 和
  • 宇轩 王
  • 安康 魏
  • 庆宏 曹
  • 律 吕
  • 李林 杨
  • 永琪 徐
  • 浩然 蒋
  • 立叶 肖