The tenth workshop on Iopp Student Forum will be held in Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China on May 8th, 2018.
Please note that due to some unforeseen consequences, this conference has been shifted to 14:30 and will be held in roo 9515. Apologies for the inconveniences.
This is a special session for the preparation in attending the Quark-Matter 2018 international conference in Venice, Italy.
Poster (15+5) min; Talk (30+10) min.
Heavy-Ion physics investigates the properties of the strongly coupled matter created in Relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC in Brookhaven and LHC in CERN, known as the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The workshop will discuss recent developments in theoretical, phenomenological and experimental studies of this new hot-dense medium. Topics of interest includes: