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19–22 Dec 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Neutral Naturalness Models and Phenomenology

20 Dec 2018, 15:15
Science Hall 101 (CCNU)

Science Hall 101


Beyond Standard Model Beyond Standard Model


Ling-Xiao Xu (Peking University)


We build a minimal neutral naturalness model in which the top partners are not charged under QCD, with a pseudo Goldstone Higgs arising from SO(5)/SO(4) breaking. The color-neutral top partners generate the Higgs potential radiatively without quadratic divergence. The misalignment between the electroweak scale and global symmetry breaking scale is naturally obtained from suppression of the Higgs quadratic term, due to cancellation between singlet and doublet top partner contributions. This model can be embedded into ultraviolet holographic setup in composite Higgs framework, which even realizes finite Higgs potential. Furthermore, we will present collider phenomenology of composite twin Higgs models and minimal composite Higgs models, where the SM top quark can be embedded into various representations of the unbroken global symmetry at UV.
Type Parallel talk
Sessions (parallel only) Beyond Stand Model

Primary authors

Jiang-Hao Yu (ITP-CAS) Ling-Xiao Xu (Peking University) Shou-hua Zhu (Peking University)

Presentation materials