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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Soft-dropped jet substructure

by Dr Xiaohui Liu (Beijing Normal University)

B105 (CHEP)



West Building, School of Physics, PKU
Jet grooming techniques have become important tools in high energy collisions. Being able to probe the largely unexplored QCD collinear regime at hadron colliders, the groomed jet substructure variables have drawn broad attentions in various communities from the LHC to the heavy ion studies. In this talk, I will briefly review that soft-drop jet grooming procedure which receives extensive discussions due to its advantages in removing the wide-angle soft contaminations, reducing the non-perturbative effects and being able to understand analytically from the state-of-the-art theory tools. Two important variables that characterize the relevant features of the soft-drop groomed jet are the momentum sharing fraction zg and the groomed jet radius Rg. However current theoretical predictions fail to describe the data for the Rg spectrum and an improved understanding for these two variables is eagerly demanded by the experimentalists for the upcoming analyses. I will present preliminary results for both distributions beyond the currently available accuracy.
  • Bin Li
  • Boyang Li
  • Ce Zhang
  • Cheng Tansheng
  • Daneng Yang
  • Guojin Tseng
  • Jiao Zhang
  • Jie XIAO
  • Jixing Li
  • Ling-Xiao Xu
  • Ming Li
  • ning chen
  • Qian-Fei Xiang
  • Qiang Li
  • ran ding
  • Rui Zhang
  • Shu-Yuan Guo
  • Ti Gong
  • wan-li Ju
  • Wenbin Zhao
  • xiaohui liu
  • Yan-Qing Ma
  • Yandong Liu
  • Yu-Jie Zhang
  • Yunfeng Xue
  • 世平 和
  • 宇轩 王
  • 安康 魏
  • 律 吕
  • 星 王
  • 李林 杨
  • 浩然 蒋