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Abstract: After the Higgs discovery, lots of exotics searches have been designed to look for possible signatures beyond the Standard Model (BSM) by scanning different final state combinations. Among them, the Di-jet final states are typical signatures for new resonances with strong interactions. For heavy flavor resonance searches, the signal sensitivity can be largely enhanced by tagging the b-jet(s) in the final state. In this presentation, the di-b-jet search performed at the ATLAS experiment will be mainly discussed.
The key of the di-b-jet search is b-tagging. Currently, the b-tagging at ALTAS have lots of room for improvement in both online and offline. The Fast TracKer(FTK), a hardware upgrade of the ATLAS TDAQ system for Run 3, will be able to provide high quality tracks to ATLAS high-level trigger(HLT) after the ATLAS level-1 trigger. This will help significantly the trigger decision in HLT, by improving the trigger efficiency of b-jets. The ATLAS inner tracker will be replaced for Run 4 with a whole new silicon detector (ITk). The performance studies show that a sizable improvement will be obtained for b-tagging with such a new detector. In this presentation, both the ongoing FTK activities and R&D work for inner tracker upgrade will be discussed, as well as the expected sensitivity of the di-jet searches at the HL-LHC with all those improvements included.
University of New Mexico — Physics Ph.D., 2014
University of New Mexico — Physics M.S., 2011
Wuhan University, P.R. China — Applied Physics B.S., 2007
Argonne National Laboratory — Research Associate, 2014 to Present
Leading the efforts of BSM searches with b-tagged jets at ATLAS.
Working on the Fast Tracker project for the ATLAS TDAQ phase 1 upgrade
Involved in sensor and module characterization and testing continuously for ATLAS phase 1 and phase 2 tracking detector upgrade.