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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Boundary contribution to (holographic) entanglement entropy

by Dr Clement Berthiere (PKU)

B105 (CHEP)



West Building, School of Physics, PKU
The entanglement entropy, while being under the spotlight of theoretical physics for more than ten years now, remains very challenging to compute, even in free quantum field theories and a number of issues are yet to be explored. One such issues concerns boundary effects on entanglement entropy, which is important both for theoretical explorations of entanglement and for applications of entanglement entropy to lattice simulations, condensed matter systems, etc.. During this talk I will show how the resence of spacetime boundaries affects the entanglement entropy, with emphasize on universal (boundary-induced) logarithmic terms, using tools from field theory and recent progress in AdS/BCFT correspondence.
  • ankang wei
  • Bin Chen
  • Bin Li
  • Ce Zhang
  • Cheng Tansheng
  • Chongyao Chen
  • Guojin Tseng
  • Jiao Zhang
  • jiaqi chen
  • Jue Hou
  • Ling-Xiao Xu
  • ning chen
  • Qing-Hong Cao
  • Rui Zhang
  • Shu-Yuan Guo
  • Ti Gong
  • Xiang Qian-Fei
  • Xingchang Song
  • Yan-Qing Ma
  • Zhaohua Shen
  • 世平 和
  • 佳 田
  • 宇轩 王
  • 广娟 王
  • 律 吕
  • 斌 周
  • 星 王
  • 李林 杨
  • 浩然 蒋