The International School on charged Lepton Flavor Violation will be held at Institute of High Energy Physics, Being, China on June 3 - 8, 2019.
Place: Conference room 124 in the New Biulding (Just north side of the Guest House).
Scope: The School is intended for Ph.D. students, early Postdocs and young researchers involved in experiments on charged Lepton Flavor Violation from muon sources at high intensity proton accelerator, at low-energy colliders, as well at high energy machine. The expected number of students is about 40.
Daily schedule
- 9:00-12:30 lectures
- 12:30-14:00 lunch
- 14:00-15:30 lectures
- 15:30-18:00
- Student presentations, 10-15 minutes
- Discussions
International Adviser Committee
Lorenzo Calibbi (NKU)
Simon Eydelman (BINP)
David G. Hitlin (Caltech)
Yoshitaka Kuno (Osaka)
Satoshi Mihara (KEK)
Yifang Wang (IHEP)
Local Organizing Committee
Hai-Bo Li (IHEP)
Jian Tang (SYSU)
Liang Li (SJTU)
Ye Yuan (IHEP)
Yao Zhang (IHEP)
Yeliu Mo (IHEP) Secretary
Shanjun Ren (IHEP) Secretary
Shuopin Wen (IHEP) Technical support
Delegate Registration From December 1st, 2018 to May 30th, 2019
Registration fee: No registration fee for participants, and hotel fee for students should be covered by home institutions.
Accommodation in “Guest House” hotel, IHEP, and Holiday Inn, Beijing.