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W/Z physics at CEPC



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    • 21:30 21:50
      introduction 20m
      Speaker: Dr Zhijun Liang (IHEP)
    • 21:50 22:10
      R_b status 20m
      Speaker: Dr Bo Li (Yantai University)
    • 22:10 22:30
      W mass measurement 20m
      Speaker: Pei-Zhu Lai (NCU)
    • 22:30 22:50
      WW threshold scan 20m
      Speakers: Peixun Shen (南开大学) , Mr peixun shen (bes3)
    • 22:50 23:10
      Afb 20m
      Speaker: LI Mengran (高能所)
    • 23:00 23:20
      Z partial widths. 20m
      Speaker: Dr Fulvio Piccinini (INFN)
    • 23:10 23:30
      W mass 20m
      Speaker: Dr Maarten Boonekamp (Saclay)
    • 23:30 23:50
      W physics 20m
      Speaker: Dr Hengne Li (S)