
Quantum behavior of extremely cold atoms

by Dr Shi Na Tan

数理楼3304 (北京工业大学应用数理学院)



报告人:檀时钠(北京大学) 简介:Ph.D. in Physics, University of Chicago 2006,M.S. in Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2000,B.S. in Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 1997。国际著名理论物理学家,在冷原子领域有重要工作,檀关系的提出者。 摘要:To our knowledge, by far the coldest places in the universe are on Earth. When atomic vapors are cooled to something like a billionth of a degree above absolute zero, things get simplified since the de Broglie wave lengths of atoms are now enormous, and atoms behave like point particles. Using the technique of Feshbach resonance,  people can still make them interact with each other strongly. I will discuss some weird quantum behavior of these strongly interacting atoms.