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Seminar & Outreach

Double Heavy Quarkonium Production at Hadron Collider

by Dr Zhi-guo He (University of Hamburg)

417 (Scientific research building)


Scientific research building


Abstract: Double prompt heavy quarkonia production are studied in the non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD)factorization framework by including both color-singlet and color-octet contribution at QCD leading order. Two different approaches of dealing with the initial partons are investigated in details. Moreover, at QCD next-to leading order the NRQCD factorization is found to breakdown and an improved factorization formalism is introduced.

About the speaker: Zhi-guo He obtained his PhD degree in the physics department of Peking University in 2008. Then he worked at postdoc in the university of Barcelona from 2009 to 2012.  From 2012 to now, he is a research associate in the university of Hamburg. His research area is heavy quarkonium physics.
