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29 May 2019 to 1 June 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

TAG based analysis at BESIII experiment

30 May 2019, 11:00
唐仲英楼B501 (南京大学鼓楼校区)



Oral 物理软件 物理软件(II)


Dr Ziyan Deng (IHEP)


BESIII is a new detector at the upgraded BEPCII that operated in the tau-charm threshold energy region.BESIII has accumulated the world's largest J/psi, Psi(3686), Psi(3770) data samples.To reduce the CPU time of data processing procedures is very important for the experiment to get physics results efficiently with limited hardware resources. BESIII offline software system was developed based on Gaudi. All the data procesing procedures are done event by event. Since a large fraction of events are not finally used in physics analysis. TAG based analysis can enable analysis jobs do pre-selection based on event tags and allow the job only read the events which satisfy given criteria. Event data for unselected events will not be retrieved. The CPU time of analysis jobs can be reduced obviously.

Primary author

Dr Ziyan Deng (IHEP)

Presentation materials