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29 May 2019 to 1 June 2019
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Introduction to GECAM GRB data analysis and quick-analysis tools

31 May 2019, 14:20
唐仲英楼B501 (南京大学鼓楼校区)



Oral 数据处理 空间天文(I)


Dr 少林 熊 (高能所) Dr 欣颖 Song (IHEP & Forschungszentrum Juelich IKP-1)


In this presentation, GECAM GRB data analysis and quick-analysis tools are introduced including the motivation about these tools: analysis modules for gamma ray burst(grb),e.g. BG estimation, light curve(LC) and energy spectrum display, fit for energy spectrum, LC analysis, calculate the correlations between grb event and gravitational waves observed, and generate 2-level data production; The computational environment and installation; the software framework and progress by now.


In this presentation, GECAM GRB data analysis and quick-analysis tools are introduced including the motivation about these tools: analysis tools for gamma ray burst(grb) and calculate the correlations between grb event and gravitational waves observed; the computational environment and installation; the software framework and progress by now.

Primary author

Dr 欣颖 Song (IHEP & Forschungszentrum Juelich IKP-1)


Dr 少林 熊 (高能所)

Presentation materials