2019 McStas Training School in CSNS

A1-104 (Dongguan)



China Spallation Neutron Source

McStas Training Course at CSNS

25 - 29 March 2019, Dongguan China

Organized by China Spallation Neutron Source

McStas is a general tool for simulating neutron scattering instruments and experiments. It comes with a comprehensive manual and a library of well-tested components that include most standard elements of neutron scattering instruments, including steady-state and pulsed sources, monochromators/analysers, guides, collimators, vanadium and powder samples, velocity selectors and choppers, and a variety of detectors.

The aim of the course is to train technical staff and instrument scientists in using Monte-Carlo code to design better neutron devices and instruments.

The core members of McStas team are invited:
Peter Kjær Willendrup, DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark
Erik Knudsen, DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark
Mads Bertelsen, DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark

The number of participants is limited to 35, due to the practical requirement.

* No registration free.

*Full view of the agenda at http://csns2019.mcstas.org/calendar.html
*The presentations and exercise material is starting to be available at https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/Schools/tree/master/CSNS_March_2019 


The primary program:

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