Time flies!
BES, the Beijing Spectrometer, began its first groundbreaking physics run in 1989, already 30 years ago! This was the first high energy physics experiment in China, and has been unique, throughout the world, for its thorough and extended coverage of the tau and charm energy region. Over these 30 years, the BES detector has been steadily improved, upgrading to BESII in 1998 and to BESIII in 2008. And over the same period, the collaboration has evolved from including about 150 members from 10 institutions in China and the United States to about 500 members from 72 institutions in 15 countries. The physics program, too, has extended from light hadron spectroscopy, tau, and charm physics to the discovery of exotic charmoniumlike states, precision tests of the Standard Model of particle physics, and searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model.
To celebrate the great achievements of the BES, BESII, and BESIII experiments, and to also look to the future, a symposium will be held from September 5 to 6, 2019. The early days of the BES experiment will be remembered, the achievements of all of the BES experiments will be highlighted, and the future physics program at BESIII will be previewed. If you have been a member of the BES collaborations, or if you have contributed to any aspect of the BES detectors or physics, you are cordially invited to join the Symposium.
The Symposium on 30 years of BES Physics will be held at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, P. R. China, from September 5 to 6, 2019. The registration fee is 800RMB to cover conference rooms, meeting materials, lunches, a banquet, coffee breaks and so on. (Retirees and invitees will be exempt from the fee.)
The deadline for registration and requests for visa letters of invitation is Aug. 7th, 2019.