PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Standard Model Effective Field Theory from On-shell Amplitudes

by Prof. Jing Shu (ITP)

B105 (CHEP)



West Building, School of Physics, PKU
We present a general method of constructing unfactorizable on-shell amplitudes (amplitude basis), and build up their one-to-one correspondence to the independent and complete operator basis in effective field theory (EFT). We apply our method to the Standard Model EFT, and identify the amplitude basis in dimension 5 and 6, which correspond to the Weinberg operator and operators in Warsaw basis except for some linear combinations.
  • Ankang Wei
  • Bin Chen
  • Bin Li
  • Guojin Tseng
  • Hao Zhang
  • Haolin Li
  • Jia Tian
  • Jianghao Yu
  • Jiao Zhang
  • Lilin Yang
  • Ling-Xiao Xu
  • Qian-Fei Xiang
  • Qing-Hong Cao
  • Rui Zhang
  • Shi-Ping He
  • Ti Gong
  • Xin Chen
  • Xingchang Song
  • Xinyi Zhang
  • Xu Yue
  • Yandong Liu
  • Yu-Jie Zhang
  • 一鸣 刘
  • 东 胡
  • 亚 张
  • 小虎 王
  • 广娟 王
  • 律 吕
  • 星 王
  • 浩然 蒋
  • 立叶 肖