北京工业大学《物理和生物中的纽结场论》暑期学校与国际学术论坛(BJUT School on Knotted Fields)

TBA (北京工业大学(Beijing University of Technology))


北京工业大学(Beijing University of Technology)

北京市朝阳区平乐园100号 Pingleyuan 100, Chaoyang, Beijing 100124
Renzo Ricca (University of Milano-Bicocca) , Wenyu Wang (Beijing University of Technology) , Xin Liu (Beijing University of Technology)




  • 暑期学校:2019年9月2‒6日(周一至周五),9‒11日(周一至周三)。 采取正课加辅导课的形式,着重教学效果。务使学员学到东西,而非走马观花。
  • 国际学术论坛:2019年9月7‒8日(周六、日)。邀请本次暑期学校的讲师、学员,以及国内外专家学者作口头报告和海报交流。希望学员特别是研究生们充分利用这个国际学术会议的交流机会。




Knot theory is an important branch of low-dimensional topology, with deep connections in algebraic geometry, combinatorics, quantum algebra and other areas of pure and applied mathematics. Several Fields medals have been awarded to this particular research area and various academic conferences and colloquia have been held in China in the past.

In recent years applications to physics, biology, chemistry and other fields in classical and quantum field theory have become increasingly important leading to new discoveries in cosmology, plasma physics, solar physics, superfluid turbulence, geometric optics, phase defects, magnetized systems, DNA biology and quark confinement. Physical knot theory is now at the cutting edge of current research in mathematical physics and applied mathematics, and many colloquia and workshops have been held worldwide, but not in China. In this regard the proposed School + Workshop dedicated to modern advances in topological classical field theory with applications to fluid mechanics, magneto-hydrodynamics, geometric optics and defects in superfluids and condensates to be held at the Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) will be the first international event of this kind.

The School will host 7 world-class international experts in the field, who will deliver lectures and problem classes to an audience of local and international young researchers and post-docs from China and abroad, with the aim to promote an interdisciplinary approach to innovative and promising new lines of contemporary research. The School will be organized during a 10-day period during which a two-day international workshop will take place, giving the opportunity to specialists from China and the rest of the world to meet and present new results.

  • Summer School: September 2-6 (Monday to Friday) & 9-11 (Monday to Wednesday) with 6-hour course lectures and 3-hour problem classes for each lecture course.
  • Workshop: September 7-8 (Saturday and Sunday), with oral presentations and posters. Participation of young researchers and junior doctoral students will be strongly encouraged to take part and contribute.


Date & Venue

  • Date:      September 2‒11, 2019.
  • Venue:   Teaching Building 4, Beijing University of Technology (Pingleyuan, Beijing).


Official Email: bjut_itp@sina.com

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