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4–7 Jun 2018
Asia/Shanghai timezone
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RF Heat Load Compensation for the European XFEL

Not scheduled
Main building (IHEP)

Main building




Mr J. Penning (DESY)


The European XFEL consists mainly of three parts: The superconducting linac, the undulator sections to produce light and of course the experiments. The linac operates at 2K using cold compressors. We show how to stabilize cryogenic operation by compensating heat load changes introduced by the RF system by reducing the power in the associated heaters. This includes the basic calculations and an overview of our robust runtime environment.

Primary author

Mr J. Penning (DESY)


Mr B. Schoeneburg (DESY) Mr M. Clausen (DESY) Mr O. Korth (DESY)

Presentation materials

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