Test of the model by collider and gravitational wave observation experiments
DrHashino Katsuya
B105 (CHEP)
West Building, School of Physics, PKU
We have to extended the Standard Model (SM), because some phenomena beyond the SM have been reported, such as Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe (BAU). The ElectroWeak BaryoGenesis (EWBG) is one of the scenario explaining BAU and is strongly related to the Higgs sector. This scenario requires the strongly first-order ElectroWeak Phase Transition (EWPT) to produce the BAU. This condition can be easily satisfied by the extended Higgs model. Also, if the first-order EWPT can be realized in the early universe, the Gravitational Waves (GWs) occur by the EWPT. We may use the measurements of GW to test the extended Higgs model.
In this talk, we focus on the extended Higgs model with strongly first-order EWPT and discuss the testability of it by the synergy between collider and GW observation experiments.