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10 December 2021
Central China Normal University
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The 14th IOPP Seminar : Qinghua Xu (徐庆华) 教授 , 山东大学 (Shandong University), Oct. 14th 2020, Wednesday, 10:00am (Beijing time)

Not scheduled
409 (Central China Normal University)


Central China Normal University


---------- Speaker: Qinghua Xu (徐庆华) 教授 , 山东大学 (Shandong University) Title: Nucleon spin structure study at RHIC: Overview & Outlook ---------- Abstract: The world's only polarized proton collider, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, has been providing unique opportunities to study the nucleon spin structure since 2001. I will review the recent highlights on nucleon spin structure from RHIC: 1) non-zero gluon polarization in proton measured with double spin asymmetries of jet production; 2) sea quark contribution determined with single spin asymmetries of W boson production. The new results on W boson spin asymmetries confirmed the SU(2) flavor asymmetry of light sea quark polarization in a proton. 3) transverse spin effects in hadronic systems and their implications on parton distribution functions in the collinear and transverse momentum dependent frameworks. I will also discuss the ongoing STAR forward detector upgrade and future polarized proton-proton running plan at RHIC. ---------- 报告人简介: 徐庆华,山东大学前沿交叉科学青岛研究院教授、博士生导师 曾获国家基金委优秀青年基金和山东省杰出青年基金,2003年于山东大学物理学院获博士学位。2003 年7月留校工作,2004年9月至2008年6月在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室做博士后研究。 2008年7月回到山东大学组建研究组,加入位于美国布鲁克海文国家实验室的RHIC-STAR实验组,从事核子自旋结构的实验研究。在STAR 实验主导完成了Lambda超子自旋转移的实验测量,以及W 玻色子纵向单自旋不对称的实验测量,首次发现轻味海夸克自旋分布存在SU(2)味道对称破缺。在探测器研制方面,参加STAR 实验时间投影室升级并负责内扇区丝室iTPC 的研制,在基金委重点国际合作项目的资助下,高质量完成了STAR-iTPC探测器的研制。

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