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B-hadrons have relatively longer lifetimes compared with other SM particles. The identification of jets originated from b-quarks plays an important role in many physics programs at the LHC. There are also dedicated searches looking for BSM particles with even longer lifetimes. Filling the gap between long-lived search and the prompt search is a critical task to achieve. In this talk I will mainly discuss resonance searches with b-tagging applied and how the b-tagging algorithm is developed/calibrated in ATLAS, followed by a reinterpretation work to show how powerful traditional b-tagging is in long-lived search. In addition, the displaced lepton search I carried in CMS and the corresponding muon reconstruction work are given as another example of "filling the gap".
About the speaker:
Dr. Bingxuan Liu (刘炳萱)
B.S Applied Physics, 2011, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Ph.D Experimental Particle Physics, 2016, The Ohio State University, USA
Currently a postdoctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory, based at CERN, working in the ATLAS collaboration. I have been highly involved in flavor tagging and exotic search in ATLAS and long-lived particle search in CMS. I have also contributed significantly to ATLAS TDAQ commissioning and CSC commissioning in CMS.
Collaboration Roles:
CMS Exotic Physics Group Trigger Contact (2014-2016)
ATLAS Flavor Tagging Calibration Sub-group Convener (2018-)