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24–26 Apr 2020
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Contribution List

23 / 23
24/04/2020, 08:50
雷 常 (Nankai University)
24/04/2020, 14:30
Why DSEs?
Prof. Hongxia Huang (Nanjing Normal University)
24/04/2020, 16:10
Dibaryons and pentaquarks in quark models
Prof. Xiao-Rui Lyu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
25/04/2020, 09:00
俊璋 王 (Lanzhou University)
25/04/2020, 15:20
Solution to the Y problem
相坤 董 (UCAS)
25/04/2020, 16:10
Prof. Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
26/04/2020, 09:00
Jetomography of QGP in heavy-ion collisions
Dr Rong-Gang Ping (高能所)
26/04/2020, 09:50
Hai-Ping Peng (USTC)
26/04/2020, 17:00
俊璋 王 (Lanzhou University)