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30 October 2021 to 2 November 2021
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Valence parton distribution of pion from lattice QCD at physical point

31 Oct 2021, 14:30



Dr 翔 高


We present the first lattice calculation of pion valence parton distribution using matching formula at NNLO level. We use the Wilson-Clover fermion on three 2+1 flavor HISQ ensembles of lattice spacings a = 0.04, 0.06 and 0.076 fm, with two pion mass including the physical one. Two unitary Domain-Wall calculations at physical point are also presented. This allows us to control the continuum limit, quark mass effects as well as the chiral symmetry. Our analysis use ratio-based schemes to renormalize the equal-time bilocal quark-bilinear matrix elements. We extract first few moments model independently and reconstruct the x-dependent PDF.

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