3:00 PM
Mapping the viable parameter space for testable leptogenesis
Yannis Georis
(Université Catholique de Louvain)
3:20 PM
Cosmic photons from LHAASO as probes of Lorentz symmetry violations
Bo-Qiang Ma
(Peking University)
3:40 PM
Contributions from the fixed target program of the LHCb experiment to the understanding of antimatter in cosmic rays: status and prospects
Chiara Lucarelli
4:00 PM
Searches for long-lived particles at CMS
Malgorzata Kazana
4:20 PM
Searches for BSM physics using challenging and long-lived signatures with the ATLAS detector
Sergio Grancagnolo
5:00 PM
Measurement of top-quark cross sections and properties with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
(Prague CU)
5:20 PM
ATLAS measurements of CP violation and rare decays processes with beauty mesons
Marcella Bona
(Queen Mary University of London)
5:40 PM
Searches for new phenomena in final states with 3rd generation quarks using the ATLAS detector
Angela Maria BURGER
(Oklahoma SU)
6:00 PM
Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson and additional scalar particles in ATLAS
(Berkeley LBNL)