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10–14 Nov 2021
Asia/Shanghai timezone

A Flavor Specific 2HDM and Flavor Anomalies

Not scheduled



侨毅 温 (Jinan university)


The $3.1 \sigma$ $R_K$ anomaly after Moriond 2021 and $3.3 \sigma$ $\Delta a_\mu$ from Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment implicate that the lepton flavor universality violation (LFUV) may play a role in the exploration of new physics. Aiming at solving these flavor anomalies both in quark and lepton sectors, a specific Two-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) with particular U(1) gauge symmetry, which is designed to get rid of the redundancy in generic 2HDM-III Yukawa couplings, is proposed and investigated. Among three additional new particles in the flavor gauged 2HDM, FCNC processes can be induced by heavy neutral scalar and $Z'$ only in down-type quark sector, which provide solutions to anomalies in $b \to s \ell \bar{\ell}$ and anomalous magnetic dipole moment (AMDM) for leptons. The charged Higgs, on the other hand, explains anomalies in $b \to c \ell \nu$ processes. In this work, combining the latest experimental results of $R_{(K, K^{*})}$ and $B_s\to \mu^+\mu^-$, the bounds of Wilson coefficients $C_9^\ell$ and $C_s^\ell$ emerged in FG2HDM, which are lepton flavor specific, can be obtained for the first time. By taking into account the FNAL muon g-2 new result with two-loop level full theoretical calculation, we can get the allowed parameter space of this UV-complete model.
Presentation type Poster

Primary author

侨毅 温 (Jinan university)


Prof. Fanrong Xu (Jinan University) mengchao Zhang (itp) 俊谋 谌 (暨南大学)

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