Yan DaCheng
(Changzhou University)
We perform a global analysis of three-body charmless hadronic decays B → V P3 → P1P2P3 in the perturbative QCD (PQCD) approach, where V denotes an intermediate vector resonance, and Pi, i = 1, 2, 3, denote
final-state pseudoscalar mesons. Fitting the PQCD factorization formulas at leading order in the strong coupling αs to measured branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries, we determine the Gegenbauer moments in
two-meson distribution amplitudes (DAs) for the meson pairs P1P2 = ππ, Kπ, KK. The fitted Gegenbauer
moments are then employed to make predictions for those observables, whose data are excluded in the fit due
to larger experimental uncertainties. A general consistency between our predictions and data is achieved, which
hints the validity of the PQCD formalism for the above three-body B meson decays and the universality of the
nonperturbative two-meson DAs. The obtained two-meson DAs can be applied to PQCD studies of other multibody B meson decays involving the same meson pairs. We also attempt to determine the dependence of the
Gegenbauer moments on the meson-pair invariant mass, and demonstrate that this determination is promising,
when data become more precise.
Presentation type | Oral |
Primary author
Yan DaCheng
(Changzhou University)