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The Particle Flow Algorithm for the future electron-positron collider experiments

by Prof. Bo Li, Mr Bo Li (LLR)

The Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) is a crucial tool of event reconstruction at future electron-positron collider experiments. It aims to build the visible final state particles from the information recorded by the high precision tracker and the high granularity calorimeter. The precision of measurement would be significantly improved by using PFA. In this talk, a synopsis of the detector system at the International Linear Collider (ILC) is presented, followed by the elaboration of the PFA principle. The performance of PFAs is reviewed, and a few subtle issues in the current algorithms are investigated. A proposal to further improve the performance of PFA is given at the end. About the speaker: Dr. Bo Li now works at the Southwest University of Science and Technology, China. After recieving his PhD from the Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, he worked successively as postdoctoral researcher at Tsinghua University, École Polytechnique and Université de Lyon. He had worked on the R&D of the Time Projection Chamber (LCTPC) and the core tracking software, KalTest for the International Large Detector (ILD) at the ILC. During his time in France, he developed a novel Particle Flow Algorithm, APRIL, for the electron-positron collider experiments. He is making effort to explore the high granularity of calorimeter for Particle Flow event reconstruction and improve the shower separation power of current PFA. Join Tencent Meeting by clicking: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/eli7dIYTp8l8 or via meeting ID:172 784 983