1. IE browser is NOT supported anymore. Please use Chrome, Firefox or Edge instead.
2. If you are a new user, please register to get an IHEP SSO account through https://login.ihep.ac.cn/registlight.jsp Any questions, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn or call 88236855.
3. If you need to create a conference in the "Conferences, Workshops and Events" zone, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn.
4. The max file size allowed for upload is 100 Mb.
22–28 Aug 2020
Asia/Shanghai timezone



Opened 7 Aug 2020
Closed 17 Aug 2020

【报名相关说明】 1. 本次论坛报名已于8月17日截止,网上报名通道已关闭。 2. 8月18日-19日为资格审核时间。 3. 审核结果及第二轮通知邮件已发送给符合条件的老师。如您符合报名条件但并未收到邮件,请先仔细检查收件箱,有可能在垃圾邮件中,如还是没有收到,有可能是您之前留的邮箱有误。请发邮件到gwljwb@pku.edu.cn进行咨询。

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.