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29 October 2020 to 3 November 2020
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Efficient NLO computation for gg->HH/ZH with top quark mass dependence

30 Oct 2020, 05:00
45161188005 (腾讯会议)




Dr Guo-Xing Wang


Recently, we present a precise and efficient computation of the two-loop amplitudes entering gg->HH/ZH and present for the first time a calculation of the complete NLO corrections to the gg->ZH process. We use the method of small mass expansion to tackle the most challenging two-loop virtual amplitude, in which the top quark mass dependence is retained throughout the calculations. Our results are necessary ingredients towards reducing the theoretical uncertainties of the pp->ZH cross sections down to the percent-level, and provide important theoretical inputs for future precision experimental collider programs. In this talk, I will start with a brief introduction to to the HH/ZH production and method of the small mass expansion and then show our new results for the ZH production at the LHC.

Presentation materials