- 张扬 ()
(Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin)
29/10/2020, 01:00
In order to get high order scattering amplitudes, it is essential to calculate corresponding Feynman integrals. However, for multi-loop orders, there will be a huge number of Feynman integrals for a physical process. Thanks to the integration-by-parts (IBP) identities, we can reduce these integrals to a small set of integrals, i.e., master integrals. Here I give an introduction on IBP...
Mingming Long, Prof.
Yang Zhang
29/10/2020, 02:00
FIRE 和 Kira 是目前最常使用的积分约化开源程序包。两者都主要基于 Laporta 算法,多核多节点并行,但又各有特色,FIRE 吸收了非交换代数构造递推关系的技巧,而 Kira 在大稀疏矩阵消元策略/代数运算底层并行上有专长。两者都可以和现代有限域计算方法相结合,提高计算速度。这次报告中,报告人将在线演示如何使用这两种软件。